Certificates of Deposit (CD) Rates

Home » Rates » Certificates of Deposit (CD) Rates
Rates as of February 7, 2025
StandardEcoPlus Account Bonus*
Dividends CalculatedQuarterlyQuarterly
Dividends PaidQuarterlyQuarterly
Minimum Opening Deposit$1000$1000
Term of CertificateDividend RateAPY¹Dividend RateAPY¹
4 Months Special**3.94%4.00%n/an/a
6 Months3.75%3.80%4.00%4.06%
8 Months Special**4.18%4.25%n/an/a
12 Months1.24%1.25%1.49%1.50%
18 Months1.49%1.50%1.74%1.74%
19 Months Special** 3.60%3.65%n/an/a
20 Months Special** 3.60%3.65%n/an/a
21 Months Special**3.60%3.65%n/an/a
24 Months2.97%3.00%3.22%3.26%
30 Months1.99%2.00%2.24%2.25%
36 Months2.23%2.25%2.48%2.50%
48 Months2.48%2.50%2.73%2.76%

¹APY = Annual Percentage Yield

*Electronic statements and recurring direct deposit required to receive EcoPlus Account. Other eligibility requirements may apply. EcoPlus Account Bonus of .25% will be revoked if account no longer qualifies for an EcoPlus Account. Checking accounts require an opening deposit of $25. Rate may change after the account is opened. Dividends begin to accrue on the first day member funds are made available and the Certificate of Deposit is issued. Dividends on CDs are compounded and paid quarterly, or at maturity. Dividends on your certificate will be credited by adding the dividend to the principal. Interest rate locked when account is opened. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal and fees could reduce earnings on account. Withdrawal of earnings could reduce APY. Other rates and terms available. Membership required and subject to qualifications. Minimum $5 share deposit required. 

**Minimum amount to open any Special Rate Certificate is $500. EcoPlus Checking Account Bonus of .25% does NOT apply. 4-month special CD will automatically renew for a standard 6-month term and rate at maturity. 8-month special CD will automatically renew for a standard 6-month term and rate at maturity. 19-month special CD will automatically renew for a standard 18-month term and rate at maturity. 20-month special CD will automatically renew for a standard 18-month term and rate at maturity. 21-month special CD will automatically renew for a standard 18-month term and rate at maturity.

Rates subject to change without notice.
Not valid for brokered deposits, institutional investors, or Public Funds

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Thursday, November 28, for Thanksgiving.

All DuTrac offices will be closed Wednesday, June 19, for Juneteenth.

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All DuTrac branches will be closed at 1:00PM on Tuesday, December 24 for Christmas Eve and all day Wednesday, December 25 for Christmas Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year's Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, January 15, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, February 17, for Presidents' Day.

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Credit card activity will be unavailable for viewing through e-banking or CardValet until Tuesday, October 15 while we upgrade our system.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, November 11, for Veterans Day.

All DuTrac branches will be closed on Monday, December 25, for Christmas Day.

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Due to inclement weather, all DuTrac branches will close at 1:00 PM today, January 9. Online banking, AccessLine, ATMs and our app are available 24/7 for your convenience.